
Reducing illness in strata
Commercial, Community, Residential, Retirement

Reducing illness in strata

The current pandemic brings to light the seriousness of health and safety precautions. It made us realise that remaining safe from sickness and disease is not just essential now; it is crucial for all times of the year.

In strata buildings, there are shared spaces. And now more than ever, it is vital to understand how to remain healthy and avoid spreading germs.

In this blog, we will discuss some strata-friendly ways to reduce the spread of sickness. Mitigating the circulation of germs is quite easy when we are all aware and educated.

Many local and state governments, hospitals and businesses have tried very hard recently to disseminate necessary information regarding healthy habits.

Creating useful and clear graphics to enforce the points is a great way to educate. For strata owners, we recommend you print some of these infographics to place in common areas of your building.

It will help educate and assist in providing a feeling of ease because people will know that the management is aware and concerned.

Here are some examples:


Infographic onstopping spread of virus


Infographic on avoiding infection from virus


Being transparent and open with people is the best way to remove doubt and potential fear. Explaining measures you have or that are in effect to help reduce the spread of this disease, in general, can go a long way in establishing a sense of trust.

Here at Strata & Co., it is basically business as usual, with the following standards enforced:

  • Ensure hand sanitisers and soaps are available in sites, offices and amenities.
  • Implement sanitary protocols mandatory for all employees to follow.
  • Implement isolation plan for teams and workgroups.
  • Implement varying work schedules to suit individual complexes and projects.

Because our line of work involves various people, meetings and duties, we need to consider a myriad of adjusted standards. Perhaps some of these changes apply for you as well.

  • Provide clear and defined work zones with tradesmen and onsite visitors.
  • Isolate staff into smaller groups and/or teams. Each team is isolated from each other. This will allow other teams to take over in case of an outbreak in a particular group and avoid any inconvenience or temporary shutdowns.
  • Avoid non-essential work where possible.
  • Minimise interactions with public and clients, and where possible, communicate only through phones, emails and video conferences.
  • Adjust work schedules.
  • Encourage employees to avoid travel on public transport, such as taxis and rideshares, and limit attendance to public spaces.
  • Minimise visits to meetings, complexes and projects.
  • Practice social distancing procedures
  • Place a contingency plan in the event of an emergency.

For strata owners and residents, don’t ever be afraid to request information or clarification regarding procedures, updates or changes.

Good strata managers should update effectively, but strata owners and residents also have a duty to be responsive.

Since the Coronavirus pandemic has occurred, the Australian government has been very good at updating and keeping track of the situation. You can find out more here:

This is an excellent website to view, not just during this time, but in the future, when you need information on handling other outbreaks or illnesses.

We each have our part to play in helping Australian life return to normal. We aim to work through this together. The information expressed is not only handy to know for the future, but also practical for handling all kinds of health and safety issues.

If you require more information or handy tips regarding keeping people updated, how to handle illness or ways to help educate, then contact our friendly and knowledgeable team at 1300 033 947.

Being the foremost strata management company in Sydney, we are proud to help wherever we can.

Does strata management look after guttering
Commercial, Community, Residential, Retirement

Does strata management look after guttering?

As the weather shifts, you may notice more debris falling into your gutters. Clogged gutters can cause water damage, irrigation problems and future building issues.

It is essential that all areas of your strata complex, from the ground to the roof, are well-maintained.

In this article, we will cover some important things to consider when it comes to gutters and other related aspects of strata maintenance.

Ill-managed strata properties are a common problem – and the results are costly. Even the tiniest issues that are not dealt with can lead to further problems. This is especially true in retirement village strata management where residents may not be in the physical position to mitigate the structural problems.

Who should fix it?

Where does the responsibility fall? Is it on residents, owners or strata managers?

Well, it depends.

If the building is a privately-owned lot, then typically, the responsibility falls to the owners. This may differ from strata complex to complex. This is because not all strata are the same.

But if you notice a gutter dilemma, it is wise to notify your landlord and they can advise the next steps.

If the building is managed by a comprehensive strata management service provider, such as Strata & Co., then organising to resolve the issue is straightforward. It is just a matter of detailing a request to our friendly team, and we can assist in organising the necessary steps. Not all strata services provide this level of care, but we aren’t like other services.

Why can’t I fix it myself?

Oftentimes, when residents see a fault, it can be easy for them to think “I’ll just fix that myself.”

There is nothing inherently wrong with this, except for when something goes wrong, and then the blame needs to be set. Most people are happy to do it themselves unless they end up with bad results or get hurt.

When it comes to strata buildings, it is always best to be sure as to who is supposed to fix or clean the gutters. This is because if a resident attempts to do it and gets hurt, the blame could come back to bite you. Having professionals handle the necessary repairs is advantageous unless they fall under the individual residents’ responsibility.

Once again, we at Strata & Co. can assist in helping you understand the legalities of managing strata as well as the responsibility of the residents, owners and managers. This ensures proper processes are in place, which guarantees safety and security.

Benefits of comprehensive strata management

We cannot stress enough the advantage of having proactive strata managers looking after your property. Whether it is commercial, residential or community strata management, an experienced and local team can help navigate the busy world of strata.

Strata management companies that specialise in a wide variety of services can save you a lot of time and money as you don’t have to worry about seeking multiple channels to get stuff done. Your strata manager will act as the funnel for your various needs.

If you require strata management or are looking for a change, then contact our friendly and qualified team at 1300 033 947. Our vibrant team is ready and willing to assist.

Corporate involvement in the community

Corporate involvement in the community

One of the beautiful things about living in Australia is the tremendous sense of community we all love and share. This is why when something big happens to individuals or groups, whether good or bad, many people rally around them in support.

The amazing country we live in has recently experienced some of the worst natural disasters recorded.

The bushfires have scorched millions of acres, killed many animals and changed thousands of people’s lives. But as a nation, we come together to support the communities affected.

The brave and dedicated firefighters that have risked their lives to battle blazes deserve a mention in this article. Sadly, some have even lost their lives trying to protect and save others.

It is a difficult job running towards flames, some of which 50m high! We salute the brave men and women who have been on the frontlines of this tragedy.


Almost 2,000 homes have been lost since these fires began engulfing the country, with some towns destroyed entirely. Many have evacuated and relocated, putting their lives on hold until things subside. This has had a huge impact on people’s financial and emotional well-being.

It is for this reason we have started a Go Fund Me page that is completely transparent and directly distributes funds to the affected. We know that even the smallest amount counts and there are already so many people doing so much to help those impacted.

This is just a small way Strata & Co. is able to contribute.

Rebuilding communities and lives will take time, effort and support, but a resilient nation like ours can get through anything.

One of the areas that many forget about is the mental and emotional toll disasters have on people.

For many years, we have been proud supporters and contributors of R U OK?.

This is an organisation dedicated to ensuring people are okay and encourages the power of connection and friendship. We don’t need to be experts in order to help someone, we just need to be a friend.


The power of Australians truly comes out when we are faced with trials. The recent devastation has shown that although communities are physically vulnerable, they will never be broken.

Through hard work and resilience, Australians will rebuild and recover stronger than before.

We believe that it is important for corporations to extend their support for appeals like this because they have a larger platform to reach people. This is why we, at Strata & Co., offer strata management services in Sydney that can incorporate social and community events.

For more information about how to get involved with helping areas affected by the fires, the brave people fighting the flames or perhaps how you can be more involved in the community, contact our friendly team at Strata & Co. on 1300 033 947. We love helping people connect and grow together!

Strata water damage
Commercial, Community, Residential, Retirement

Strata water damage

We are all celebrating the much-needed rain that is befalling Australia. Our dams are starting to fill again and some fires are being quenched.

But with the rain comes the potential for strata buildings to experience water damage.

With this said, it is important to have up-to-date maintenance and repairs to ensure your strata complex is water-tight and free from damage.

Improper strata management in Sydney can lead to extreme water damage. This can impact your personal belongings and safety.

In this article, we discuss some common aspects of water damage and how expert strata management companies deal with these issues.

Common aspects of water damage

Common aspects of water damage

Any property that has communal use or multiple tenants means the responsibility of resolving issues can become confusing at times.

Some of the most common examples of water damage are listed below:

  • Plumbing
    • Leaking pipes, broken or rusted taps – this leads to roof, floor or wall damage.
  • Roof leakage
    • Shifted tiles/shingling or damaged ceilings.
  • Mould or rot
    • Often caused by water seepage that is not dealt with. Can pose health risks, especially to asthma sufferers.
  • Electrical issues
    • Water that seeps into walls and damages power sockets or wires.
  • Foundation damage
    • Water that seeps through can cause concrete cracks and disrupt the foundation.
  • Faulty repairs
    • Having an issue repaired falsely or improperly can lead to ongoing or escalated damage.

Water damage accounts for some of the most common strata insurance claims. And it can be difficult to pinpoint where it originates from.

We have written an article that explains the causes and specific responsibility surrounding water damage in more detail. Read it here.

How strata managers deal with water damage

Effective strata management will mitigate the potential of water damage by having an efficient and practical maintenance plan in place.

It doesn’t make sense to just deal with the issues as they arise. It’s best to remove risks beforehand in order to avoid damage.Strata water damage maintenance


There are many areas of a building that require regular scheduled services and maintenance such as basement pumps, sirens, gutters, downpipes and drains. These common hotspots can be neglected by bad strata managers and then only remembered when it is too late.

Competent strata managers regularly check every area to guarantee as best as possible that the whole building is running smoothly.

Also, when issues do arise, swift action and emergency contact is an essential part of their services.

There are only a few things worse than not being able to reach your strata manager in an emergency. Or if you do reach them, you find out that they are unprepared to deal with the issue.

Strata water damage repairs

This can actually amplify the problem severely, especially if safety is involved.

Here at Strata & Co., we not only pride ourselves on having necessary and effective building maintenance in place with the properties we manage, but we also have a responsive team that’s always ready to assist with emergencies.

We deliver the most comprehensive strata management services in Bondi and across Sydney.

If you would like more information about what we offer or how to change strata managers, then contact our friendly team at 1300 033 947 or fill out an enquiry form here.

Is pest management a part of strata services_
Commercial, Community, Residential, Retirement

Is pest management a part of strata services?

When people use a strata building, they expect and deserve certain additions. But not mice, rats, snakes and other nasty creatures!

Having pest problems can seriously impact your residents, business and overall building.

So, it is important that strata owners and users know the responsibility and aspects of strata pest management.

We understand that there are many views out there regarding proper pest management. However, we are not going to discuss the actual methods, but rather, the needs and responsibility of managing this issue.

Pest infestation and consequences

In saying this, there are multiple reasons why pests must be controlled.

Pests pose a serious health risk to the community, especially because strata schemes often have various individuals in common spaces.

As there are lots of community access points and areas, it can be easy for sickness to spread.

You can simply have safety and precautionary measures emplaced, but the difficulty of stopping illnesses increases dramatically when there are vermin afoot.

Throughout history, rats and mice are responsible for many disease spreads. And although we can better combat major contagions, it is still dangerous and irresponsible to allow these potential carriers to propagate and roam free – especially for pets and children’s safety.

For everyone’s benefit, pests MUST be controlled.

Another reason strata owners ought to control vermin is because if your building has a reputation for having pests and you’re not even attempting to control this infestation, then it can impact future decisions of renters, users and even future funding options or appraisals.

Of course, it is far better to be known as a clean and reliable building.

Whose responsibility is it to control pests?

The answer is quite logical. These are just the general guidelines according to NSW Fair Trading.

If pests are present before a tenant begins their stay, then it is the landlord’s responsibility. In strata schemes, this may lead to the body corporate getting involved and having to organise a solution.

However, if pests are a result of the actions of the tenant, then the responsibility falls on them.

For example, if a user’s area is filthy and they breached agreed conditions, made unauthorised modifications of the building or prompted ways that allowed pests to congregate, then the strata owners have an obligation to ensure that the tenant takes care of the issue.

It isn’t enough to say that the individual is fine living with pests. Because in a strata complex, multiple people will be affected.

If, as a tenant, you feel that the blame is being unfairly placed on you to have to deal with the issue, then you can challenge it.

A good rule of thumb for both owners and users is to follow standards and keep areas clean.

How to prevent pests?

The best way to keep pests from your strata is to be proactive. It is better to stop vermin from coming in the first place than to have to control and prevent them afterwards.

How to prevent pests

Here are some ideas for both strata owners and users to prevent pests.

  • Keep common and private areas clean.
    • Vermin typically prefers dirty areas with easy-to-hide spots. Dark and musty rooms attract them.
  • Every kitchen or food prep area must be extra clean and effective waste removal procedures should be practised.
    • Food waste is especially popular amongst vermin, hence why food prep areas must have extra strict cleaning procedures. Proper waste removal is essential to prevent rats from entering the building in search of food.
  • Keep indoor and outdoor bins closed.
    • This helps the place remain clean and fresh. It also stops insects and rats from congregating inside.
  • Remove decaying wood or items from any garden or outdoor area.
    • Rats, snakes and insects love to hide out and use decaying substances as hideouts.
  • Be vigilant.
    • Keep an eye out for any decay or signs of infestation, especially for termites in wood. Check closets and cupboards for droppings.

If you are at the stage where pests are already around and you need to remove them, then regardless of who is at fault, professionals should be brought in.

Oftentimes solutions only last a little while before the creatures return, so using experts and having regular inspections will assist in preventing pests.

At Strata & Co., we understand the local area and know how to best help Sydney strata schemes.

We offer comprehensive strata management services in Chatswood and throughout the Greater Sydney region that can help advise and assist with pest management.

For more information, contact our friendly and qualified staff at 1300 033 947.

Can I keep my pet in my strata scheme?
Community, Residential, Retirement

Can I keep my pet in my strata scheme?

We love our pets! For us Australians, pets are an indispensable part of the family. This is why when choosing a place to live, we often consider whether pets are allowed or not.

When it comes to strata schemes, there are specific regulations and laws we should know.

Each strata scheme will have their own by-laws regarding this subject, so we recommend checking with them first about what exactly is allowed.

However, we will also cover some aspects that even a body corporate entity cannot inhibit.

We will just say here and now, that any law discussed or enforced in a strata scheme does not apply to registered service animals.

Obviously, these are needed and play an important role, so no one can be denied their service animal. If issues arise, then tribunal courts can get involved to resolve problems.

Pets in strata

First of all, it is important to know that there used to be three model by-laws regarding pets. When registering, the default law was to ban all pets.

The other two options were to allow pets with permission or allow small pets even without permission.

According to NSW Fair Trading, there is now no model by-law banning pets. Instead, they are allowed if owners corporations are notified or if the lot user has written approval.

This is a new law introduced which will greatly impact strata schemes.

If you are renting, then you still need to seek permission from the landlord. Overall though, this is a huge change in the strata laws we have become accustomed to.

There are many factors to consider about pets – whether you are a pet owner, strata owner or someone living or using a strata property. Owning a pet may be allowed, but noisy or messy animals could lead to breaches in other by-laws.

Although laws have been relaxed, it is still important to approach the situation officially. You don’t want to run the risk of having your pet removed or create complications with your body corporate members.

It is best to always go through the official channels when discussing pets and strata. Because these new laws are quite fresh, there are some wrinkles that may still need to be ironed out.

For example, issues could arise over what constitutes a ‘reasonable pet’ and whether someone has their pet ‘unreasonably refused’.

There is room for subjection which could create some problems in the future.

But if you are honest and transparent with your strata manager and landlords, then surely, reasonable conditions and circumstances can be met.

How do I obtain consent for my pet?

Applying for consent

This often depends on your specific strata scheme, but in most cases, you can write to your strata management service provider or to the body corporate.

Applications may require photos, vet history and/or details about the animal.

What can I do if my consent application was refused?

If your application was refused and you believe it was unfair, you can apply to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) for a review of the owners corporation. This will require reasons as to why you think it was unfair or unreasonable.

Do I really need consent?

Yes. Keeping an animal in a strata scheme without permission or notice can result in a breach of by-laws and ultimately, removal of the animal.

Responsibilities of pet owners

Responsibilities of strata pet owners

You may have some specific requirements when keeping your pet in a strata. For example, you should clean up any mess or poop. Your pet should not roam unsupervised or perhaps they will not be allowed in common areas.

Again, these guidelines can be discussed and compromised with your strata scheme operators.

Owning a pet is a very important way of life for many of us. Understanding the laws and regulations surrounding your strata is crucial for the happiness of everyone involved.

If you are a pet owner or a strata owner and would like to know more about pets and strata, then contact our friendly team at 1300 033 947. We provide the most comprehensive and best-priced strata management services in Sydney.

Swimming pools and strata
Community, Residential, Retirement

Swimming pools and strata

There are so many positive memories associated with childhood, summer and swimming pools.

Oftentimes, having a strata pool strongly attracts renters and owners. But, there are added regulations and safety concerns that must be taken into consideration.

Here is a guide to what you need to know about Sydney strata swimming pools.


According to the NSW Fair Trading site, the body corporate is responsible for ensuring all strata pools comply with Australian laws and regulations.

Pools in NSW must be registered here. Alternatively, your local council can do this on your behalf for a fee.

Australian swimming pools must remain safe and secure in order to prevent drownings. This is a very important factor in owning one, especially for a strata scheme where multiple people may use it.

Pools must have a fence with gates that comply with all Australian standards. If you need to have one built or upgraded, then check out the NSW guidelines here.

Strata swimming pool regulations

Though there are several fencing materials available, glass pool fencing is highly recommended. It’s a beautiful and safe option for pool areas.

It is important to remember that pools must have adequate signage throughout, which should include all pool rules as well as safety information for CPR.

From the 1st of September 2019, new CPR signage laws are in effect where updated signs must be used. These can be found at local pool or council shops or even at the Royal Life Saving club.

If you have a pool under construction from March 2019, new signage regulations indicate that, ‘a sign must be displayed in a prominent position near the pool that states, “this swimming pool is not to be occupied or used”. The sign must be displayed at all times while the pool is under construction and only removed once an occupation certificate has been issued for the pool, or once a certificate of compliance has been issued.’

Best practices

Owning a pool has its benefits, but the risks cannot be ignored.

Electricity and water do not mix well, so it is important to minimise the risk of accidents by limiting electrical use around pools.

Also, having clear communal rules such as ‘no running’, ‘no diving (in shallow water)’ and ‘no bringing of glass’ at the pool are all great ways to help ensure everyone’s safety.

Strata swimming pool best practices

All pools must be certified and kept in good condition so ensure yours is up-to-date and well-maintained, especially if you have pool heating or cleaning systems. See to it that these are being taken care of effectively.

Having a strata swimming pool is an awesome addition to your property. But don’t ignore the potential risks.

By checking with your qualified strata manager in Sydney, you should be able to get further guidance as to how to move forward with your strata pool.

Getting your swimming pool inspected and approved gives you peace of mind whilst complying with regulations.

If you have any questions or queries about strata swimming pools, contact Strata & Co., the Sydney strata experts. Our friendly team is ready to assist with all your needs.

Call 1300 033 947 today to have your strata comprehensibly managed.

How to handle parking disputes
Commercial, Community, Residential, Retirement

How to handle parking disputes

Sydney has a reputation for its lack of parking. It is one of the worst features of an otherwise great city.

In strata complexes, there is the issue of ensuring there is enough parking for residents and monitoring whether people are infringing the parking spaces.

In this blog, we discuss the problems, solutions and regulations that can help you get a handle on Sydney strata parking issues.

Common parking issues

Parking infringements can come from residents themselves or people from the public trying to snag an easy spot.

Residents with several vehicles may try to take up multiple spaces. People visiting their family may use strata parking, unaware that it is designated to someone. Or some random individual may need a quick parking spot and take up a convenient but allocated spot.

These issues can quickly flare up into major disputes because it is a real inconvenience to residents.

Strata parking issues

What can you do?

The first step is to determine the specific strata by-laws regarding the parking allocations and regulations.

Are all spots allocated? Are there some reserved for emergency vehicles or the handicapped? Are there specific spaces for visitors? These are all important distinctions to be made before enforcing anything further.

If spaces are unclaimed, then residents may wish to write in and request it to be allocated to them.

One way to avoid parking disputes is to clearly label or mark your designated parking spots.

People will be less likely to steal a spot that is clearly allocated rather than one that looks unreserved.

Strata parking solution

If parking rules are breached, then strata owners have the right to implement penalties, as long as they comply with NSW Fair Trading.

Strata owners can work with local councils in order to manage parking spaces. This gives parking rangers the ability to issue fines for breaching parking regulations, provided that clear signage and notices are issued.

Also, vehicles that block entrances, driveways or emergency access points are actually a safety hazard and must be removed. Owners corporation can move these vehicles, as long as notification is provided.

Overall, it is vital that the issue of parking is properly handled and that residents, guests and the public are aware of exactly who can park where.

Get control of your parking space today and avoid the issues that could come up.

For more information or tips about dealing with parking disputes, contact Strata & Co. at 1300 033 947. Our team offers comprehensive strata management services in Sydney and beyond.

Mailbox theft - How to control and stop it!
Community, Residential, Retirement

Mailbox theft – How to control and stop it!

Nobody likes nor tolerates theft except thieves.

Criminals have deliberately begun targeting mailboxes because they are an “easy target for thieves who find breaking into them relatively simple.” This is according to a study conducted by the Consumer Federation Of Australia.

A mailbox often has sensitive bank or identity information, so if your strata complex is experiencing mailbox theft, it can compromise your residents’ safety and your reputation.

Identity crime costs Australia roughly 1.6 billion dollars each year. This is why something so simple could have dire consequences if not mitigated.

Not all mailboxes are on common property. So, you must determine if your strata mailboxes are part of the common area or if they are, in fact, on private property. If they’re part of the common area, then the responsibly falls largely on you. But even if they’re on private premises, you can still alert and educate residents.

What can you do?

Body corporate can invest in CCTV cameras and monitor the mailbox areas.

Oftentimes, mailboxes are conglomerated together. So, if one is broken, most or all are targeted. Having a monitoring system that keeps an eye on the mailboxes can help deter and catch thieves. Although it is quite an investment, it will provide a safety net and peace of mind to residents.

Another thing to consider is the actual security of the mailboxes. Each mailbox should have a secure lock and should not be accessed through the mail slot.

Australia Post recommends using unique locks per mailbox rather than a universal key. It’s important to ensure that it is not an easily breakable or pickable lock either and manage who receives a mailbox key.

If residents change, see to it you receive all keys back and even consider changing locks.

Mailboxes that are in obscure areas are easier to target than open and obvious locations. Make sure shrubs are not creating a hiding spot and the mailbox area is well lit. Also, keep it clean and tidy, ensuring no junk mail piles up and gathers.

How can you educate residents?

Strata mailbox security

You can only do so much to mitigate the risk of mailbox theft, but residents still have their part to play. You can encourage and educate residents in your strata scheme in order to assist in preventing theft.

Going paperless is a great way to help the environment. It also eliminates the chance of sensitive information being delivered physically and falling on the wrong hands.

Of course, some things will still need to be delivered through mail. Perhaps you can advise that credit cards and other sensitive items will be picked up from post offices instead.

Encourage residents to collect their mail daily. It can quickly become obvious if there is a build-up of mail. And if there is mail sticking out of the slot, then it can easily be snatched even without any lock-picking.

Developing a habit of collecting mail every day is crucial.

If residents go on holidays, urge them to make arrangements with post offices to hold their mail or instruct a trusted family or friend to collect the mail.

These are just some important ways to help prevent mailbox theft which can lead to greater crimes and problems.

For more information, guidance or education material, contact Strata & Co. at 1300 033 947. We are your Sydney strata management service experts.

Don’t let your mailboxes be compromised and assure your residents today!

Innovative strata ideas for 2020
Commercial, Community, Residential, Retirement

Innovative strata ideas for 2020

The new year is upon us – and there is no better time to begin implementing ideas and innovations that will set you up for the future.

Strata schemes are a great opportunity to apply up-and-coming ideas and potentially revolutionise your property.

In this article, we will discuss some potential ideas you could execute in your strata complex in order to remain modern and keep residents and users happy.


More and more people are looking for ways to contribute to a greener earth – and owning a strata complex gives you a great opportunity to help out.

All in all, having more plants can easily remove the industrial feel most building schemes unintentionally have. By exploring multiple landscaping options, you can effectively improve and reinvent the way your building exists.

A themed garden or perhaps sculpted plants provide an elegant feel. Plus, planting more trees and shrubs gives more privacy.

Don’t forget about the need for indoor plants! Check out our article about which ones are best in order to spice up your common areas.

Strata plants

Community events

If you own or manage a strata complex, then you have a unique opportunity to engage and influence a community.

More and more people are connecting with technology to the point where people desire and crave real world interactions.

Although events may require a lot of planning, a rooftop event, community garden or public initiative are all great ways to bring a community together.

Also, this has multiple benefits: it establishes you and your property as a community leader and influencer, provides residents and renters with opportunity and options and it gives back to society in an uplifting way.

Again, by virtue of having a building or scheme, you can greatly set yourself up as an attraction for the community.

Of course, balance is important. But it also allows you to foster a relationship that encourages feedback from both the community and the residents that you otherwise may not have built.

Strata community events

Security updates

People love feeling secure. And although people want 2020 to be a positive year, the truth is there are some that still commit crime.

Beefing up your premise’s security is a great way to reassure residents that you have their best interests in mind, whilst staying up-to-date with the latest security technology.

Whether you opt to introduce a new access control security system or further improve monitoring in common areas by installing CCTV cameras, people will appreciate the security.

You can even do simple things like, provide more lighting in ill-lit areas or reassure people by having a more open communication about security practices in place.

2020 is a year where people want to feel secure and comfortable about life. Your security upgrades could help with that! Not to mention, it establishes your whole property with more trust and credibility.

Strata security updates


These are just a few innovative and fresh ideas you can implement in order to establish your Sydney strata as a modern and trustworthy scheme.

For more information about ideas or exactly how you can follow through in making 2020 your best year, contact Strata & Co. at 1300 033 947. We make strata and innovation simple, as your strata management Sydney experts.